Bestow Your Wealth

Many of us think of charity as something we do while we’re alive. But what if you could create a lasting legacy that would continue to support the causes you believe in, even after you are gone?



What are the causes you wish to financially support? Should your chosen charities cease to exist in future, what would you like to do? We can explore the various philanthropic strategies that may be suitable for you and show you how your overall wealth plan can be managed to incorporate and sustainably support your charitable goals.


Leaving a legacy

Setting up a foundation, charitable trust or endowment fund can allow you to continue shaping your community and the world beyond your life. The best time to start these discussions is while you are still healthy and have a clear vision of how you would like to help.


Investment governance

Unlike governments, who can only do so much, non-profit organisations often have the expertise and experience to tackle niche issues and bring about lasting change in the world. If you are a fiduciary or trustee of such an organisation, you need to ensure their assets are prudently managed while maintaining a consistent cashflow and continue to meet regulatory obligations. We can help you construct an investment plan that supports your mission and goals.

Responsible investments take into account environmental, social, governance (ESG), and ethical issues, and are of particular concern when dealing with charity funds. We offer responsible investment options through our broad range of investment solutions, and see it as an important part of our advisory process.


Schedule a Consultation

If you would like your wealth to go towards building a better world or even just helping a few communities close to your heart, meet with us to share your visions and let us talk about how we can help you get there.

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